Water is a valuable public asset which should be available to all, not sold to the highest bidder to exploit for profits.

Key Docket Items For Aqua's 2024 Rate Case
Aqua's Initial Filings
There are 19 different PDF documents totaling over 4500 pages, most are pretty dense stuff. In particular:
#1 - Aqua's proposed tariff increases: (LINK)
#2 - The revenue and cost changes proposed by Aqua: (LINK)
Main Briefs
There is an extensive process for the major parties to the rate case to ask questions and process information. When that is complete the major parties file Main Briefs laying out their position on what should be allowed and what should be rejected. The documents can be fairly long, but contain significant insight about each party's position in the case.
#1 - Aqua's Main Brief (LINK)
#2 - The OCA's Main Brief (LINK) - this is the most insightful of the three.
#3 - I&E's Main Brief (LINK)
Reply Briefs
Once the Main Briefs are filed the major players to challenge what the others have filed. This is called a Reply Brief.
#1 - Aqua's Reply Brief (LINK)
#2 - The OCA's Reply Brief (LINK)
#3 - I&E's Reply Brief (LINK)
Settlement Agreement (LINK)
For this rate case, the major parties came to agreement on most of the significant issues. This is something the PUC encourages. This is what is termed a "Black Box" agreement. That means that most of the details of the outcome are kept secret. The amount of the rate increase will be announced, but how they got to that is concealed from public view.
Recommended Decision (LINK)
The rate case was run by two Administrative Law Judges (ALJ). Once all the inputs are complete, the ALJ's issue their Recommended Decision. This is their formal report to the five PUC Commissioners on how they think the case should be concluded.
This is the opportunity for the major parties to the case to say the ALJ's got something wrong. It is essentially the major parties speaking to the PUC Commissioners.
#1 - Aqua's Exceptions (LINK)
#2 - The OCA and I&E did not file exceptions. This is an indication that they were fully in agreement with the Recommended Decision.
Reply Exceptions
This is the opportunity for the major players to challenge the exceptions filed by the others. Again, they are essentially addressing the PUC Commissioners.
#1 - Aqua's Reply Exceptions (LINK)
#2 - The OCA's Reply Exceptions (LINK)
#3 - I&E's Reply Exceptions (LINK)
Opinion and Order (future link)
When all of the above is complete the PUC Commissioners make their decision and issue the result. For this case it should issue shortly after 2/6/2025.​